General FAQs
What are Stepping Stones open hours? What days is the food pantry open?
There is staff onsite between 8am and 5pm Monday through Friday. Donations can be dropped off during these times. If other arrangements need to be made, please contact our office. For pantry hours, click here.
How many people in Dunn County are homeless and/or food insecure?
The number of homeless individuals/families in Dunn County cannot be accurately reported because many do not come forward when they are homeless. We can only report the number of clients we have served in homeless situations. For example, in 2021, 292 people received shelter either at the Stepping Stones shelters, or at a local motel when the shelters were full. A total of 9,279 nights of shelter were provided (# of people x # of nights). Our waiting list is often full and may have upwards of 70 individuals or families seeking shelter.
Similarly, measuring the number of individuals/families who are food insecure is difficult. In 2020, close to 1 million pounds of food were distributed. In 2021, more than 50,000 pounds of food was distributed per month. More than 1,600 people that were served by our pantry this month.
How can we help?
There are many ways to help! Remember the 3 W's - words, work, wallet.
Words - Use your words to be an advocate for Stepping Stones. Talk about the services we offer, like/share our social media posts, and sign-up for our monthly newsletter. Food pantries, Emergency Shelters, and Volunteer Service programs work because they are supported by a broad and engaged community.
Work - Volunteer your time. There are fewer volunteers now than before the pandemic, and we rely on help to keep our pantry running smoothly, shelters open, and deliveries made to seniors. Help is needed with food distribution, packing SAM bags, Food Rescue pickup, working in the pantry during open hours, assisting with special events, joining our Board of Directors or a sub-committee, and many more.
Wallet - We have made it through recent turbulent years with grants and the strong support of our community. Many grants are focused and temporary, so we rely on the sustained contributions of people like you. If you are able to provide financial support or donate non-perishable items, please do. Item donations can be dropped off M-F between 8 am - 4 pm.
What are some items that we can donate/are most needed?
We focus on offering healthy and nutritious items such as canned/frozen meats, peanut butter, produce, dairy, etc. but accept and appreciate all items! We also distribute personal hygiene products such as diapers, tampons, and baby food.
Program FAQs
How does the food pantry work?
Shoppers enter from our 17th St entrance and drive-up to the marked intercom speaker to speak with a volunteer. Our volunteer will ask the following: name, DOB, and number of people in the household. Everyone is welcome to use the food pantry and no one is rejected based on income, Foodshare participation, gender, race, ethnicity, or age. Once checked in, shoppers visit the pantry with set guidelines based on their family size. Our pantry offers inside shopping and curbside shopping days. Please refer to the pantry page to pick which style you prefer.
What sorts of food do clients/shoppers receive?
Our shoppers get a large variety of food, based on availability from our food bank, suppliers, and donations. Items can include deli sandwiches, deli meat, cheese, salads/lettuce, and fruits. Frozen meat options range from turkey to chicken, pork, beef, or fish. Dry goods include rice, pasta, canned fruits or vegetables, cereal, soup, etc. During summer distribution, our Farmer's Feed program brings in fresh produce daily. We do our best to offer dairy products such as milk and eggs but they may not always be available.
How can I take part in the pantry? Are there any requirements or restrictions?
Anyone can visit our pantry. There are no income limits or requirements. To register, bring a driver's license and proof of residence to your first visit. Know the number of people in your household and have a form of identification for each. You will not be turned away for not having these items on your first visit, and will have up to three visits to provide all the necessary information.
How does the shelter program work?
Stepping Stones’ Shelter Program provides emergency shelter, housing assistance, and referral services. We have two fully-furnished shelters that serve families/individuals. Shelter residents work with our staff to find and maintain employment and access resources in order to become self-sufficient.
Cairn House FAQs
How many people does it house?
The Cairn House has 20 bedrooms available for single adults. Each room is equipped with its own bathroom, Twin XL bed/bedding, and underbed storage.
What are its hours?
The Cairn House is open 24/7, 365 days a year and is staffed 24 hours, both paid and volunteer.
How long do guests stay at Cairn House?
Guests can stay a minimum of 30 days with an average stay of 45 days.